Friday 30 November 2012

What is Financial Freedom?

Somebody asked me today what the term 'Financial Freedom' really means. The trouble is that it's a bit difficult to define, because we are all different and want different things.

I've tried to sum it up in this article:

Financial Freedom or not?

In a nutshell, I believe that you have truly achieved financial freedom when you can live off your passive income without having to hold down a 'job' (where you are paid a salary for the time you have worked).

Dependent on your lifestyle, i.e. the way you live, this can be quite difficult to achieve or it can be quite easy if you 'downsize' enough.

Monday 19 November 2012

Shorting Stock in the Cashflow 202 Game

In the Cashflow 202 Game, if you draw a Capital Gain Deal card that states that MYT4U is at $40 which is at the top of its range, you can then short sell it.

If you want to understand the concept of shorting stocks, read this:

Shorting Stocks

or watch my YouTube Video:

 Shorting Stocks and Shares in the Cashflow 202 Game

The procedure is that cash amounting to $40 times the number of shares that you sell is placed in the MYT4U envelope. This is the cash that has been placed on margin as it is not yours until you buy back the stock at a later date.

If you or somebody else picks up a Capital Gain Deal card allowing you to sell MYT4U at $20, then you collect half the cash in the envelope. This is because the price of the stock has also halved. However, if MYT4U goes bankrupt, then the share price drops to zero and you collect ALL the cash in the envelope.

Remember that the rule in Cashflow 202 is that you must buy the stock at the next available time whether you want to or not! So, there may be the case where the price of MYT4U goes up to $50 (outside it's normal trading range). If this happens, you get none of the money in the envelope and have to pay the bank an additional amount to cover your loss.

Remember that the amount of cash you get from the envelope is equal to the difference between the selling price and the price at which you bought the stock back, times the number of shares.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Passive Income from my Mini Fruit Machine!

A while back, a friend and I designed and built this fruit machine as a project for others to construct. It was featured in 'Everyday with Practical Electronics ' magazine.

What I didn't realise was that it has been providing me with little bits of passive income every week for years.

I leave it on my desk at home and friends come and play with 5p pieces in the hope of winning up to a £1 jackpot. It's just left there with it's lights flashing to encourage people to have a go!

Here is my video:  Mini Fruit Machine

Although it will not make me wealthy, the passive income concept is still sound. It 'earns' me money without having to work for it. OK we had to design and build it first, but there is little maintenance and it provides a tiny income!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Scalable Passive Income

The idea of scalability is an important one. We should not put all our eggs in one basket and spend all our time getting our one source of passive income to be the biggest.

Scalable Passive Income Generation

Lots of little passive income streams can be made by providing useful information for those hungry for it. Don't just concentrate on one idea or area. When you have set up your main website, do another one on a completely different subject and preferably one you know something about.

Friday 2 November 2012

Having Lots of Passive Income Streams

Wouldn't we all love to have lots of passive income coming our way? The Holy Grail is to have lots of little income streams from various sources, all flowing in to make your 'river' of income.

If you can make these both online and offline, then all the better. The more the merrier.

Multiple Passive Income Streams

Don't ignore little bits of income you might get from one of your websites through say Google AdSense. It's the little bits of income that add up over time to be a lot!

Thursday 1 November 2012

Buying and Selling Businesses in the Cashflow Game

Buying businesses in Cashflow really gets you racing! They begin to produce high cashflow or passive income and quickly enable you to get out of thr 'Rat Race' and on to the 'Fast Track'.

Cashflow Game Part 5 - Businesses

The cashflow figures are bigger than the small deal cards and they really begin to stack up, as you feel you are becoming more and more successful!

Tuesday 30 October 2012

The Cashflow Quadrant

This sequel to Robert Kiyosaki's book 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' shows us how we tend to earn income in one of four ways.

Two of them are linear (a fixed amount of money per hour) and are what most of us do. The right hand two quadrants are for the real wealthy types.

If only a few of us could learn this great way to get on in the world, we may all be in a better place. It is a shame that this isn't taught in schools. This was one of the main points 'Rich Dad' said over and over again.

Monday 29 October 2012

Buying and Selling Property in the Cashflow Game

The whole point of the Cashflow Game is to generate cashflow or passive income by buying properties and renting them out. At a later stage, you can raise cash by selling them.

Cashflow Game Part 4 - Property

Selling your property reduces your cashflow, but you can use the money generated to buy higher value properties by 'trading up' and therefore effectively increasing your cashflow.

It takes a while to get used to what is a good deal or not, but I would say that it is always beneficial to buy property if you can, as it is an opportunity that may not come along again for a few more turns in the game.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Assets and Liabilities

Is your home really an asset... and what is an asset anyway?

Now is the time to think about your lifestyle and understanding the basic differences between an asset and a liability is a great start.

Read my short article here: Assets and Liabilities

Robert Kiyosaki goes on about this a lot in his book 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' and it is one of the basic fundamental lessons to managing your finances.

Friday 26 October 2012

Cashflow 202

Playing Cashflow 202 is like the conventional game 101 but much more 'viscious' or realistic as inventor Robert Kiyosaki might say.

You can lose your property in the draw of a single card, or lose all your shares at a stroke. On the up side there are many other opportunities though!

Picking up a 'Market' card on every turn when landing on small or big deal is a bit unwieldly and it seems to make each turn last forever.

The good bits are that you can short stocks and buy and sell options, which for me is the ultimate finance game. On the fast track, you can now franchise your businesses.

Have a look at:  Passive Income & The Cashflow Game

It does teach you loads of stuff, but try not get bogged down with the detail of what's on the cards. Just play and enjoy!

Cashflow Game 101 & 202 Differences

Thursday 25 October 2012

Cashflow Game - Shares and sharedealing

It's actually very easy to buy and sell shares in 'Cashflow' - and in the 101 game, you cannot lose!

By picking up a particular 'Small Deals' card, this allows a company's shares to be bought and sold. You can then buy any number of these shares and everybody else may also sell any amount of them that they already own as well, at the same time.

You really should buy even a small amount of shares everytime you can, as they are ultimately a way of increasing your cash, so you can then buy bigger deals and go on to win the game.

Cashflow Game Part 3 - Shares

If there are only two or three people playing, the likelihood of you being able to sell your shares diminishes, as the number of 'Small Deals' cards that are picked up also reduces.

If your opponents are all cash wealthy and going for 'Big Deal' cards, then you will be the only person picking up 'Small Deals' cards. It will then just be a matter of time before you pick up the right card!

Generate Passive Income using Google AdSense and YouTube

The idea here is a simple but powerful one.

Make lots of informative videos, put them on YouTube and 'monetise' them. You'll need to open up a Google AdSense account first though.

The word 'monetise' is a bit contrived, but it's important. It's easy to do when you have uploaded your video on YouTube, by clicking on one checkbox. You will now get paid a small cash sum when people watch or click on an advert that is shown during your video being played.

This article explains the basics:  YouTube-And-the-Google-AdSense-Program

It appears that SEO is dead and all that people want is good information (or entertainment), when they do a Google search. Wow - How quickly things change!

Sunday 21 October 2012

The Rat Race

We all know what the Rat Race is. Although it will be defined differently by many people. I see it as the regular routine of daily drudgery connected with your job and lifestyle.

We get up half asleep, in the morning after being woken up with an alarm. Have breakfast and prepare to go out to work. The daily commute is the visual representation of the Rat Race with queues of traffic and the stress and anguish that goes with it. We suffer it over and over again!

Cashflow Game Part 2 - The Rat Race

In the game 'Cashflow' The Rat Race is represented by going round a circular section in the centre of the board whilst picking up cards which provide either opportunities to get you out of the Rat Race, or liabilities that just drain your money away.

The game teaches you to take opportunities when they are presented to you. One of my winning strategies is to take as many opportunities as you possibly can, provided you can afford it!

Saturday 20 October 2012

What is Passive Income?

Passive income is quite simply regular money you get from something without having to work for it.

A lot of passive income money comes from something that you have created once and are selling many times over.

The ideal example is a book that you have written. You are now selling the book and don't have any further work to do to earn money from it.

Another example is renting out property. This might not be seen as truly passive as you have money invested in the project and there is also the fact that the property will need routine maintenance, so more 'work' is involved.

Read my article here:     Passive Income - The Basics

There are many examples of passive income. Some may only make you a small amount every day, but if they are regular, they can add to an ever growing stream of income that will eventually set you free from work.

Friday 19 October 2012

Cashflow Game Introduction Video

I've just uploaded my first Cashflow 101 video on you tube. It's an introduction to the game, what it's about and how to win.

Cashflow Game Part 1 - Introduction

Soon, there will be more videos to watch and information, as I move on to simple strategies to play a better game.

Let's Get Started!

Passive income is the ultimate dream of 'earning' more money in a new and exciting way. It's great for people tied to a job, or those wishing to get out of the 'Rat Race' - More on this in other posts!

What I'm hoping to do in this blog is to tell you what passive income is, how you can get your own and use Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki's 'Cashflow' game to illustrate some of the key concepts.

Read my short article to get started:     Passive-Income-And-The-Cashflow-Game

There will be lots of videos, articles and posts on passive income and related topics.

Many of us would like some financial help, whether it's just saving money or making it work harder than you do. Let's get on with it!