Thursday 8 November 2012

Passive Income from my Mini Fruit Machine!

A while back, a friend and I designed and built this fruit machine as a project for others to construct. It was featured in 'Everyday with Practical Electronics ' magazine.

What I didn't realise was that it has been providing me with little bits of passive income every week for years.

I leave it on my desk at home and friends come and play with 5p pieces in the hope of winning up to a £1 jackpot. It's just left there with it's lights flashing to encourage people to have a go!

Here is my video:  Mini Fruit Machine

Although it will not make me wealthy, the passive income concept is still sound. It 'earns' me money without having to work for it. OK we had to design and build it first, but there is little maintenance and it provides a tiny income!

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