By picking up a particular 'Small Deals' card, this allows a company's shares to be bought and sold. You can then buy any number of these shares and everybody else may also sell any amount of them that they already own as well, at the same time.
You really should buy even a small amount of shares everytime you can, as they are ultimately a way of increasing your cash, so you can then buy bigger deals and go on to win the game.
Cashflow Game Part 3 - Shares
If there are only two or three people playing, the likelihood of you being able to sell your shares diminishes, as the number of 'Small Deals' cards that are picked up also reduces.
If your opponents are all cash wealthy and going for 'Big Deal' cards, then you will be the only person picking up 'Small Deals' cards. It will then just be a matter of time before you pick up the right card!
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