Friday, 17 January 2014

Cashflow 202 - Franchises

When there are two or more players out on the 'Fast Track' in the 202 game, things can get a little bit hairy!

Unlike the 101 game where you just buy businesses to build up your $50,000 cashflow, you can find that that very cashflow is suddenly taken off you if somebody else lands on your business and wants to buy it.

You have to sell it if they want to buy it. Although they pay you lots of money for it, this isn't the point.

In the meantime, if you land on your own business again, you can buy a franchise for it. Put your token on it, next to your other token. You now get another lot of cashflow and if somebody wants to buy your business with the franchise, they have to pay lots more money, so a business with a few franchises attached to it suddenly becomes quite expensive to transfer to another player.

I used to think getting through the 'Fast Track' to win the game was easy....

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