I'm deciding whether to write another eBook - Yawn!
When you say that you are about to write another eBook, most of your friends and contemporaries may ignore you and change the subject quickly to 'X Factor', or the latest football match.
The word 'eBook' sounds like a cheap version of the real thing, so you tend to switch off (a bit).
It also conjures up (for those who have bought them) a low cost, thin 'book', which, when translated to pages on your Kindle screen, amounts to an hour or so of reading stuff you already know.
This may be the case for a lot of the eBooks out there, but there are also the minority of good ones, which tend to be information rich and enable you to absorb and learn stuff easily and quickly.
These days, people want to be able to be informed quickly and the eBook is the answer.
The pleasure from seeing your eBook sell is well worth the effort and this adds to your aim of increasing your passive income remember?