Friday 18 January 2013

Videos on YouTube increase that passive income stream

A friend of mine is making lots of 'review' videos and piling them onto YouTube at the moment.

He has learnt that even if you only make a few pence a day from 5 videos, then 10 can only make you more!

There is also the bonus of striking it lucky and making a video on a niche subject that a lot of people want to watch. I suppose it's a bit like Premium Bonds in that you can get small prizes quite regularly (if you have the maximum holding of £30,000), but still have that opportunity of winning that big one.

Videos are so easy to make with a smartphone or ipod touch and there is usually the facility to upload your video to YouTube from your device in an instant at the touch of a button!

When your video is up on YouTube, you then have an online editor to add captions, music and merge several videos into one! This is the sort of thing that you would only dream of a few years ago...

Anyway, the constant creation of good content, reviewing something with a video is one sure way of increasing your passive income.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Land and Gold Opportunities require patience in Cashflow

I suppose this is an important lesson in building up your investment portfolio and increasing your passive income. Be patient, the opportunity will eventually come up!

In the Cashflow Game, there are many opportunities to make money that a lot of players miss. The idea is that you pick up a Small or Big deal card that allows you to buy land, gold coins or a limited partnership.

You or somebody else can then pick up a Market card to sell these at a profit. The thing is that there are only a few of these cards in the pack and the opportunity doesn't come up that often to buy or sell them.

As you should know, you must always use every opportunity you can in Cashflow, no matter how small, to boost you income, so investing in gold, land or limited partnerships is a longer term play for your returns, which may only double your money invested.

Don't just discard the opportunity, give it a go!

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Win Cashflow Easily ...and quickly!

I really wonder how far you can 'use' the $1 card (There are two of them) in the game of Cashflow.

I managed to pick up the card in my last game and promptly got a bank loan for $10,000 to pay for 10,000 shares. Doesn't everybody do this sort of thing? (I can also see that this is not a sound thing to do with real life investing!).

I just wondered how far you could go. With any number of people playing, provided that they are still in the 'Rat Race', it is quite likely that another MYT4U card will come up soon, and it will almost certainly have a greater 'Today's Price' than $1.

You will then sell your MYT4U shares and profit greatly, ensuring that when you next land on 'Small' or 'Big Deals', you can always go for 'Big Deals' and greatly improve your cashflow rather quickly as nothing will be too expensive for you to buy as you will have lots of Dollars.

I would probably risk using up all my monthly cashflow buying these shares, just for the small risk of waiting a few goes, until another MYT4U card comes up.

Can the game be really this simple to win?